Monday, June 7, 2010


On March 21st a North Korean submarine torpedoed a South Korean vessel, killing 46 South Korean sailors. Last week, the Isreali Defense Forces (IDF) boarded an "aid" flotilla trying to break the Isreali naval blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Why do I bring this up? One reason, the ineptitude and ulterior motives of the United Nations.

Since the sinking of the South Korean ship, the U.N. has yet to even take up the issue of the rouge North Korean regime commiting an act of war against South Koreans. A nation that has thumbed it's nose at nuclear proliferation treaties. Not a peep from the U.N.

Last week the IDF boarded a so called aid vessel trying to break Isreals legitimate blockade. They were greeted to heavily armed "peace activists", the result was the death of 9 "activists". Less then 24 hours later, the U.N. screamed for international investigations and charges of war crimes.

Isreal offered to allow the flotilla to dock in Isreal to allow the cargo to be inspected to ensure no weapons were being transferred to the Hamas government controlling Gaza, they refused. Was their intention to deliver the 10 tons of aid to Gaza (Isreal provides 18 tons a week in aid to Gaza) or to make the point of breaking the blockade?

Regardless of the diplomatic efforts of the Isrealis, the U.N. finds fault with Isreal, but is not even interested in the aggressive actions of a nuclear armed North Korea? Make sense?

The U.N. established the homeland of Isreal in 1948, since then, more then 60% of the resolutions passed by the organiztion have oppossed Isreals efforts to protect itself.

The American taxpayer provides almost 25% of the funding of the U.N. It is clear to me that this boondoogle of beauracrats, which is full of nothing but despots and tyrants, hell-bent on opposing any and all interests of freedom, has long ago outlived any usefulness.

On a side note, how many of you even knew that N. Korea sank the S. Korean ship? How many were aware of the IDF actions against the "Flotilla"? It's a rhetorical question that when you answer it to your self should show you the hypocrasy and bias of our failing media.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, we provide 25% of the funding of the U.N.? I had no idea. This is a travesty! Thanks for opening my eyes my friend.
