Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Primary Day!

Ahhh...the Primaries...the scent of political blood in the air! I went to my local polling place and once I checked in they asked me which party I would be voting with. When I replied Republican, you would have thought I shot someone! This is a very nanny-state part of South Carolina. Normally, I would have voted straight Libertarian but, this year is too important, and the Democrats have proven they can't be trusted with my child's future.

Anyway, there was an interesting resolution on the ballot concerning the recent Health care bill. It decreed that South Carolina residents not wishing to obtain health coverage would not be fined. I loved it, I voted yes!

This is exactly what the 10th Amendment of the Constitution is about!

First, this Health Care bill forces the population to obtain something from a private entity against their will, or be punished by the government. Where in the Constitution does the Government have that authority? If you can find it, I'll give you my next paycheck....as meager as it is!

Second, this bill completely takes health care management away from the states but, forces them to pay for it at the direction of the federal government.

The 10th amendment states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This amendment has been completely abused by the feds. This is a country that is governed by the people. The elitist in D.C. seem to have forgotten that, it's tme we remind them. Seeing that resolution on the ballot today was a start!

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