Tuesday, June 22, 2010


As most everyone knows, I'm not a fan of our current Commander-in-Chief. I can voice my displeasure with his policies since I am a civilian now. That being said, President Obama must either fire or ask for Gen. Stanley McChrystals' resignation.

After spending 20 years in the military it is always instilled in you to not voice your political views. We were not drones that followed orders blindly, but we took an oath to defend our Constitution. To protect this country's sovereignty and national interests. That means curtailing your political leanings and personal beliefs to support the mission at hand. We are an all volunteer force after all.

I was a follower during one war, carrying out the orders of those above me. A leader in another, with responsibility of accomplishing a mission and keeping those assigned under me safe. Both are huge responsibilities. There were times I didn't agree with the decisions made, but to outwardly object to those choices would affect my ability to lead my troops, putting them in harms way even more. If one of my superiors had done the same, I would have questioned his ability to lead and, if it was worth what I was fighting for.

I was only a minor player in the military, but understood my role. This is the top General of the Afghanistan War! His comments call into question his support for our President, his ability to faithfully carry out his mission is now damaged to a point that the lives of our soldiers are in even greater jeopardy.

A leader has to sell his people into the mission at hand, they buy into it because HE believes it. Gen. McChrystals comments in Rolling Stone magazine have destroyed his ability to do that!

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