Wednesday, July 14, 2010

R.I.P. Mr. Stienbrenner

As a life-long Oriole fan, I can't stand the New York Yankees! I hate them, despise them, get somewhat physically ill when they sit atop the AL East or make appearance after appearance in the post season! Suffice it to say, I don't like the Yankees.

That being said, we lost a great American yesterday. With the passing of George Stienbrenner, this country lost yet another piece of what the American dream is. Mr. Stienbrenner was the epitome of what America is about. Realizing your dream and being successful because of one's self determination.

While I didn't like his antics and bravado, I always respected his drive. He wanted only one thing, SUCCESS!! not only for himself, but those he surrounded himself with. He wanted only the best, and got those to buy into his ideas of how to achieve and succeed. He purchased the Yankees for a song in 1973 and struggled through the 80's (when the Orioles were the team to beat, but I digress) and cultivated a winning attitude and mindset that allowed them to flourish and achieve during the 90's and 00's.

Those that say he bought those Championships, weren't paying attention. Players like Jeter, Whetland, Canoe, Hughes, Chamberlain, and Rivera, to name a few were drafted by the Yankees and brought up through the farm system. Guided and developed to buy into a system meant to achieve. Directed by one man...Mr. Stienbrenner!

For all of his bravado, he was one thing...a LEADER! Something this country is sorely lacking! In all realms of life! This country would be much better off to have more people like him. It has nothing to do with money, and I don't think it had anything to do with his success. Did he have the means to do it, absolutely!! But it was his drive for success. He could have been the manager at your local 7-11 and it would have been the best 7-11 in the country. Because he would have inspired his people to believe that they were the best 7-11 EVER!

The American Dream is rooted in individualism and vision. To reach that dream personal responsibility and discipline are needed. We are owed nothing and entitled to nothing, except the freedom to pursue our own dreams, without the interference of government!

I find it ironic he was born on July 4th! He was a true American!

Rest In Peace Mr. Stienbrenner!

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