Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Politics made easy

Grab a shovel and dig this...politics made easy!

Let's set the ground rules. We have to understand where each party is coming from.

First the Republicans; They are free market, small government, low regulation on business. Republicans think that allowing business owners to keep their money will allow them to expand their businesses and increase their profits and expand their companies and hire more people. Thus raising the standard of living for all through innovation and job growth.

Now the Democrats; They believe in big Government, strong regulation on business, higher taxes on the rich, redistributing that money to the "less fortunate" in order to make everyone equal. Thus insuring that business will not grow for fear of taxed even more. Stagnating the economy!

Okay, maybe not a catch 22. I'm not a Republican or Democrat. I disagree with the Republican social agenda, and absolutely disagree with the Democrat governing style. But, if I had to chose which party would best help this country excel....I think it's pretty obvious.

Republicans want to allow innovation and business to raise the standard of living of all those willing to participate in the free market.

Democrats want to punish those same businesses and take their profits to distribute to those they feel have been wronged by said businesses. Basically bring down everyone to mediocrity, to make everyone feel equal.

This country was founded on one thing thing...the freedom to excel and innovate without government intrusion or sit on your ass and do nothing, again without government intrusion. But, if you decide to be a slug, it's not the responsibility of those who chose to excel to support the lazy.

We have the freedom to do what ever we want, within the bounds of the law. I should be able to make as much money as I want. Others should be allowed to sit on their ass and contribute nothing. But I should not be required to give the fruits of my hard labor to support those that chose not to contribute.